Who can benefit from BLUEBERRY?

The following types of businesses can increase their revenue and lower their chargebacks when they switch to Blueberry...

Antiques / Collectibles
Auto Transport
Business Owners with Bad Credit
Continuity/Free Trial/Membership
Credit Repair
Debt Collection
Debt Consolidation

Discount Buying Service
Doc Prep
eCig / Vape
Extended Warranty
Fantasy Sports / Gaming
Firearms / Ammo

Marriage Services
Moving Company
Nutraceuticals / Herbal Supplements
Payday Loans / Cash Advance
SEO / Web Design / Development
Storage Facility
Tech Support
Travel / Timeshare
Magazine Sales

Business_Goal Business_Goal
Is your business getting high risk or offshore when processing... we provide the best way than anyone else

Here’s how We can help your business:


Blueberry is always ready to set up, quick approvals, and payment gateway integration.


Blueberry provide lowest Chargebacks, user-friendly management tools, lower chargeback by 75.00%.


Blueberry provides easy merchant solutions to meet your need.

Our Services

BLUEBERRY offer services of following high-risk industries:

The following types of businesses can increase their revenue and lower their chargebacks when they switch to Blueberry...

Find Out For Yourself Why We Are Voted #1 For High Risk Merchant Acoounts

Blueberry online application process very simple and will be completed within 5 minutes, as soon as your application is submitted, Blueberry sends it to partner bank and shares. They revert within 3-4 hours with terms & conditions, prices, rules & benefits.

Maximum Approval Rate
Quick Approvals
An easy Online Application process
High-Risk Rates are Lower
Simple Fully-Integrated Chargeback Management process
No Application or Setup Cost